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February is Heart Month!


Each February, Heart Month is observed to highlight the dangers of heart disease – the number one killer of both men and women in the country. It’s a time to reflect on the people we’ve lost to this disease and renew our resolve to fight back and prevent more tragic suffering and death. It’s also a time in the still-new year to take stock of what we as individuals are doing to be heart-healthy ourselves, and what we can do to encourage heart-healthiness in others.


The simple fact is heart disease is often preventable. Eating right, getting enough exercise, managing stress, and monitoring health indicators like blood pressure and cholesterol can go a long way in preventing heart disease in most people. But we live busy lives, and it’s easy to slip up and lose healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Heart month is a reminder to refocus and remember.


American Fashion Network is a big supporter of American Heart Month and Syracuse Go Red for Women. In fact, our CEO, Jackie Ferrari, is chairing that campaign for 2022. We’ll be redoubling our efforts to raise awareness about heart disease over the next month, and we put together a list of ways that you can too:


Make a fitness resolution – If you didn’t set new fitness goals for the New Year (or if they’ve started to slip) it’s not too late to create a resolution for American Heart Month. Resolve to take a daily jog or walk or take up a new hobby involving cardio exercise and stick with it for the month of February.


• Get your annual physical – It’s easy to forget regular preventative checkups and medical care. Make February the month you visit your doctor, get a physical, and have your cholesterol checked.


Eat healthier – It’s hard to give up on unhealthy foods entirely, but American Heart Month is a good time to be conscientious about the food you eat, and make sure you’re getting your daily fruits and vegetables.


Wear red on February 4th – February 4 is Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart health. Wear red and encourage friends and family to do the same. Use social media to tell others what Wear Red day is about.


Donate to the American Heart AssociationThe American Heart Association does critical work to educate Americans about heart disease prevention. February is a great time to make a donation. You can make an easy and secure donation to AHA through our website here: _


Thanks for supporting American Heart Month!


Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to stay up to date with the latest events and heart health information we have for you to follow along and participate in.

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